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November 28, 2010



He will definitely need the hat in MN. He looks adorable in it. Of course he looks adorable In everything.


Little Mister is so adorable, even in his little helmet. I hope he doesn't have to wear it too long. Babies have enough things to get adapt to, wearing a full time helmet shouldn't have to be one of them! But he seems to be such a great little trooper. Just want to shower him with kisses, he's so cute!


I am moaning that is so cute!


Oh sheesh that kid is killing me! Great hat and enjoy your first holiday season with the little man:)

Stephanie E (or as you knew it, B)

AHHHHH! So CUTE! We are also going to the "motherland" for x-mas! I'm knitting my boy a hat (but it's s-l-o-w going since I am always at some rehearsal or concert - tis the season.... I hope to have it done by the time we leave!!!

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